Can you be arrested with a metal detector? The essential thing is yes. At the federal level, in all states parks, is all U.S. parks and historic sites and monuments, there is no treasure hunting allowed. You can be arrested in a national park for only a metal detector in your car. Approximately two thirds of the states have some type of restrictive rules for the park's state parks.
In some parks, they will be looking for you, but you have to $ $ and you will receive a paymentto enable. In other state parks, for example, the historic state park, they simply say "No". It varies enormously. Approximately two thirds of the states have some sort of regulation, ranging from "no" to "yes, you can hunt quantities of metal at this time.
In general it is best to ask whether you go into a state park, to ask whether the treasure hunting is allowed. Most cities in the U.S. there are no restrictions on a treasure hunt not to destroy other than restrictions on vandalism;property.
There are a lot of cities and counties want you to purchase a permit. It's not very expensive. They tell me it is primarily to know who is out there digging holes in the parks. Where I am located, the city lets you metal detect parks without charge, but you need a permit. No hunting at city buildings or historical sites. The county says, No to metal detecting in county parks. If you treasure hunt on private land, make sure you get the owners permission. THAILAND CLIMATE Thailand Travel Deals